Hi! I’ve been lucky to have been able to travel for work and not-work for many years. I grew up in Singapore, which is a good place to realize people are usually from somewhere else and have something different to say, and to be a small enough place to give you the urge to get on a plane or boat to go places. I’m an airport and infrastructure consultant, former naval officer and history grad, all things guaranteed to make you go to places that you wouldn’t ordinarily visit.

I’m also lucky enough to live in San Francisco and haven’t stopped moving, but home’s here.
Frequent-ish Tripadvisor contributor as well – https://www.tripadvisor.com/members/JustinSF
I hope to share about where I go and where I’ve gone.
As well as here, come and find me on https://plus.google.com/u/0/106100498672443122864
This is where I go for work media https://www.linkedin.com/in/justinp1/